Keep alive

So, couple days ago, was at Creative Commons Israel Event at Haifa University and at job fair at the Technion.

While collecting presents and sending CV’s to giants of High-Tech industries at the fair, I thought about that I could find a job as software engineer somewhere. The representatives of almost every large companies and military industries were there. The atmosphere was about competition and rain. I’ve met couple of friends there, between the recruits and no one familiar of the recruiters. It was fun, any way. At least now I know which trends are popular: Real-Time Programming, Java, C#. As usual. And - I’ve got couple of responses already :)

At the same evening I went to the Creative Commons party. It was about freeing the books and songs of copyright laws due to time that passed since the death of writers. There were people from Wikipedia and Haifux having their speech, too. It was pretty nice event. (Free beer - how it couldn’t be nice?)

The world is spinning, and so do I, I’ll write about progress later. Plans to next month: exams, new domain, work on graduation project…